
  • Yuzhe Zhang
  • Master Student 2021-2024
  • Beijing Institute of Technology
  • 1999
  • Computational Imaging


  • Computer Vision

    • Image restoration
    • Image generation
    • CNN / Transformer / VAE / GAN / Diffusion
  • Computational Imaging

    • On-chip snapshot spectral imaging
    • High-resolution spectral imaging
    • Broadband multispectral filter array




  • [M.Eng] Beijing Institute of Technology,

    • School of Information and Electronics
    • Co-supervised by Prof. Jun Zhang (Member of Chinese Academy of Engineering) and Dr. Liheng Bian
    • National Scholarship (Top 0.2%), 2023.10
    • Academic Scholarship Special Award, 2021/2022/2023
    • Municipal Excellent Graduate (Beijing), 2024.04

  • [B.Eng] Zhengzhou University,

    • Major in Electronic Engineering, GPA: 3.66/4.0, (Top 3%)
    • Outstanding Undergraduate of Henan Province (Top 1%), 2021.06
    • Excellent Undergraduate Dissertation Award of Henan Province, 2021.06
    • First-class Undergraduate Scholarship, 2018/2019/2020


Authors contributed equally to this work.

[4] Haoyang He†, Yuzhe Zhang†, Yujie Shao, Yan Zhang, Guangzhou Geng, Junjie Li, Xin Li, Yongtian Wang, Liheng Bian, Jun Zhang, Lingling Huang, 'Meta-attention network based spectral reconstruction with snapshot near-infrared metasurface,' Advanced Materials, 2024: 2313357.

[3] Yuzhe Zhang, Jiawei Zhang, Hao Li, Zhouxia Wang, Luwei Hou, Dongqing Zou, Liheng Bian, 'Diffusion-based Blind Text Image Super-Resolution,' IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2024.

[2] Liheng Bian†, Zhen Wang†, Yuzhe Zhang†, Yinuo Zhang, Chen Yang, Lianjie Li, Wen Fang, Jiajun Zhao, Chunli Zhu, Qinghao Meng, Xuan Peng, Jun Zhang, 'A low-cost integrated hyperspectral imaging sensor with full temporal and spatial resolution at VIS-NIR wide range,' arXiv 2023, under review.

[1] Yuzhe Zhang, Shuai Wang, Qiang Jiao, Liheng Bian, 'Deep calibration for broadband multispectral filter array,' Optoelectronic Imaging and Multimedia Technology IX. SPIE, 2023, vol. 12317, pp. 68-74.

Internship & Project

  • SenseTime Research | Intern, 2023

  • Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd | Project, 2022

  • ECCV Workshop MIPI | Project, 2022


  • [ Provincial ] The "Challenge Cup" National College Students' Extracurricular Academic Science and Technology Contest | Special Prize | 2023
  • [  National  ] Mathematical Modeling | 3rd Prize | 2022
  • [ Provincial ] National College Student Electronic Design Competition | 2nd Prize | 2019
  • [ Provincial ] RoboMaster Robotics Competition | 3rd Prize | 2019&2018
  • [ Provincial ] National College Student Mechanical Innovation Design Competition | 1st Prize | 2018

Self Comment
